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SDIC Annual Calendar of Events

The following list is intended to inform the Board of Directors of monthly and annual events to help develop timelines to accomplish tasks.

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Prepare for Annual Member/Board Meeting
  • -Set employee C.O.L.A.
  • -Solicit input from BOD on Annual Report
  • -Finalize Draft By-Law revisions (if necessary)

Events Happening:

  • -Sub-Contract group mailing vendor to scrub county roster list and prepare annual mailer
  • -President to complete Annual Report to Members

Annual Member & Board meeting Topics:

  • -Annual Member/Board Meeting (not on regular 2nd Thursday, usually mid month in the City of Scappoose Council Chambers)
  • -Approval of By-Law revisions by Members (if necessary)

Events Happening:

  • -Insurance Renewal with SDIS

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Review Staff or Board contacts for partner agencies 
  • -Designate Board member areas of responsibilities
  • -Annual Review of Operations and Maintenance Manual
  • -Schedule Board and Staff Training as needed

Events Happening:

  • -Prepare for Annual Mercury TMDL Report

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Prepare for Assessment Analysis

Events Happening:

  • -Columbia County Roster of  Members is sent to Drainage Districts
  • -Annual Mercury TMDL Report Due (Begin in 2025)

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Annual Review of Rental Home
  • -Begin budget review

Events Happening:

  • -Designation of subcontractor to perform Assessment Analysis

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Budget Review and Approval of Assessment Resolution No. 623

Events Happening:

  • -June 30, Budget Year End
  • -Completion of Assessment Analysis

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

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Events Happening:

  • -LB-50 due to Columbia County on July 15th
  • -July 1st Budget Year Begins
  • -Compile Financial Information for CPA to Complete Taxes
  • -Update Government and Partner Agency Contact List

Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

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Events Happening:

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Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Review of SDIC Bylaws for possible updates
  • -Review Internal Policies for Updating as Needed

Events Happening:

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Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

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Events Happening:

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Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Plan for BOD review of current General Manager
  • -Update Contacts for Flood Emergency Response Plan

Events Happening:

  • -Majority of Assessments received from the County, coincides with property taxes.
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Monthly Board Meeting Topics:

  • -Schedule Annual Member/Board of Directors Meeting for Februaury
  • -Employment Review of current General Manager

Events Happening:

  • -IFA Loan Payments due December 1st